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2016 ALOA Congress – Dallas, TX – November 6

Selected Itinerary 12:30pm – 1:45pm  Dr. Randall Moles: Fusion: The New Paradigm in lingual orthodontics Session Description: Lingual Orthodontics has always been demanding, but now it doesn’t have to be! FUSION utilizes SL brackets, the precision of robotically-formed wires along with the assistance of experienced lingual doctors to create the  most predictable lingual system available. This presentation will explain how the FUSION system works, how FUSION makes it easy for the doctor new to lingual to integrate into the practice and how it can ...

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An overview of the suresmile and elemetrix digital treatment platforms

From scanning to planning, digital treatment is changing orthodontics every day we practice. Join Dr. Randy Moles to learn not only the latest in suresmile/elemetrix technology, but also his experience over the course of his career in the technological reshaping of the profession. Dr. Moles will share treated cases as well as the latest innovations in clinical options that have changed the way he treats patients. Selected topics: - suresmile fusion - elemetrix IDB & Aligner Design - suresmile In My Practice: A Personal Before and After Don’t miss ...

Sympozjum Protetyczne – Dentexpo Warszawa 2013

Tematyka protez elastycznych, termoplastycznych, oraz ich zastosowanie kliniczne i laboratoryjne jest mi szczególnie bliska. Dlatego też bardzo się ciszę, że została ona tak szeroko ujęta w programie nadchodzącej, jedenastej edycji Międzynarodowych Targów Stomatologicznych Dentexpo w Warszawie. Podczas pierwszego dnia Sympozjum Protetycznego, w piątek 19 kwietnia 2013, w Pałacu Kultury i Nauki, odbędą się aż dwa wykłady obejmujące właśnie ten zakres protetyki stomatologicznej. Lek. dentysta Krzysztof Polanowski omówi szczegółowo tematy związane z nowościami w stomatologii protetycznej: - protezy szkieletowe vs inne rozwiązania protetyczne - projektowanie ...

Thermoplastic Material Technology

Last September, I attended the Master Dental Technician Congress organized by Denon Dental Sp. z o.o. in Tarczyn, Poland.  On my trip, I was able to test the Vertex™ ThermoSens. Vertex™ ThermoSens is the innovative, virtually unbreakable, new monomer-free rigid denture base material from Vertex-Dental B.V. The material provides an excellent fit due to the lack of volume shrinkage and is suitable for full and partial dentures, as well as for tooth colored crowns and bridges, and different types of implant ...

Plaster Setup vs. 3D Setup

All laboratory processes to create a plaster orthodontic setup consist of cutting and realigning the teeth in plaster models. An example of a technique to build an orthodontic setup model and a method to evaluate it is described in the article Preparation and Evaluation of Orthodontic Setup published in the Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. A digital 3D setup image of the dentition is created using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. A good example of using CAD/CAM technology for the diagnosis, treatment ...